Grand Falls of the Little Colorado River
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Grand Falls of the Little Colorado River, whose nickname is the Chocolate Niagara because of the brown color of its water, is located in the Painted Desert on the Navajo Nation. The falls are actually higher than Niagara Falls, and they stand at 185 feet tall. During the dry season there is just a trickle of water that falls down the mudstone cliffs, but during the rainy season, Grand Falls is both an amazing sight and sound; you can hear the roar from half a mile away.

The water comes down from the San Francisco Peaks and joins the Little Colorado River to create this natural wonder. There is a trail to the bottom of the falls where visitors can cool their feet in the pools.

Leupp Road, Leupp, AZ 86035, Flagstaff, Arizona, Phone: 928-679-2303

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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