Fort Tuthill Military Museum
© Fort Tuthill Military Museum

Review & FAQ:

Gain a newfound appreciation for the Arizona Military’s rich historical past by visiting the Fort Tuthill Military Museum. Located just 3 miles from Flagstaff, the museum details over 150 years of their military’s history, all the way from the regiment’s organization back in 1865 to their deployment to Afghanistan in the mid-2000s. The museum was made within the fort’s original buildings, giving visitors a lot to see outside as well. The fort, named after General Alexander M. Tuthill, was built in 1929 and was used as a field-training site for many years until shortly after World War II. The museum also hosts outdoor exhibits and activities such as armory and vehicle displays which can be accessed for free.

2446 Fort Tuthill Loop Road, Flagstaff, Arizona 86005, Phone: 928-226-0965

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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