Mordecai Historic Park
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Mordecai Historic Park was established in 1785, and at the time, it was the site of the biggest plantation in Wake County.

The park resides on 3.2 acres in the center of downtown Raleigh. The Mordecai House is a celebrated town landmark and is famously known as the birthplace of America’s 17th President Andrew Johnson.

It is today the oldest house in Raleigh still standing in its original location. One of its popular attractions is the 19th century kitchen garden that has been faithfully recreated based on letters and memoirs left by Ellen Mordecai.

Historic Raleigh Trolley Tours that operate every Saturday begin and end at Mordecai Historic Park and run for about one hour.

Address: 1 Mimosa St, Raleigh, North Carolina, Phone: 919-996-4364

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐