Mt William Walkway | Auckland, New Zealand
© Mt William Walkway

Review & FAQ:

Located on the Waikato side of the Bombay Hills, the Mt William Walkway is an advanced hiking trail that provides excellent views from the summit of Mount William. There are two sections; one is 1.5 miles (2.5 km) long and leads to the summit, and the other continues for 1 1/4 miles (2 km) along rolling farm land. Both sections take approximately 90 minutes each way.

Hikers should be aware that the track crosses private farmland in some sections; caution should be exercised around farm animals, and any gates should be left as they were found (open or closed).

Mt William Walkway, McMillan Rd, Mangatawhiri 2471, Phone: 9-379-6476

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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