Ulistac Natural Area | Things to Do in Santa Clara, CA
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Ulistac Natural Area is a 41-acre open space dedicated to the preservation of native Californian vegetation and wildlife. It has several distinct natural habitats, including grassland, coastal scrub, savannah, riparian woodland, and wetlands; the Guadalupe River runs through the park. There is a bird and butterfly garden containing nectar plants such as fuchsia and monkey flower, which attract hummingbirds and a variety of butterflies.

The park has nature trails with interpretative signs. The land of Ulistac Natural Area was once a seasonal camp for the Ohlone Indians; Ulistac was an Ohlone chief. The land has been used in various ways: as grazing land for cattle and sheep in the time of Spanish and Mexican conquest, as agricultural land for 19thcentury Chinese settlers, and as a golf course in the mid-20th century. The land now belongs to the city, and has been restored to a wild and native state.

4910 Lick Mill Road, Santa Clara, California 95054, Phone: 408-615-3140

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