Take a tour of The Rengstorff House | Mountain View
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The Rengstorff House is the oldest home in Mountain View one of the finest examples of Victorian Italianate architecture in the area. Built in 1897 by prominent local businessman, Henry Rengstorff, who operated a ferry between San Francisco and Mountain View, the house was fully restored to its former glory in 1991 and boasts several significant architectural elements such as a hip roof and a central gable crowned by a widow's walk, an elegant front portico, and symmetrical room layouts. Interiors are decorated with classic period décor, and outdoor brick patios are surrounded by pristinely manicured lawns and flowering plants. The Rengstorff House is open for public tours three days a week and admission is free, although donations are welcomed.

Address: 3070 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94043

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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