Davis Transmedia Art Walk Tours | Davis
© Davis Transmedia Art Walk Tours

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The John Natsoulas Center of the Arts offers artist and curator-lead group and family art walking tours of the top transmedia art walk in the country. Guided tours are offered on Saturdays and Sundays by appointment only and explore the artworks of some of the nation’s most distinguished artists, including Roy DeForest, Manuel Neri, Robert Arneson, and Wayne Thiebaud. The guided walking tour ends with a private luncheon and tour of the John Natsoulas Center of the Arts and lasts between two and three hours. Private tours for groups can also be arranged.

Address: Davis Transmedia Art Walk Tours, Davis Transmedia Art Walk Tours, 521 First Street, Davis, CA 95616, Phone: 530-756-3938

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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