© Bolt's Antique Tool Museum
Review & FAQ:
Bolt's Antique Tool Museum was founded by Bud Bolt in 2006 and is now one of the largest and most detailed antique tool museums in the United States. They have over 12,000 tools and other artifacts from their collection on display - you’ll be able to see historic tools not only from the United States but even some dating back as far as 400 B.C. having been created by the Egyptians and Romans. A favored exhibit is one of the 125 tools which represent work that was done on the nation’s 50 different railroads. Other artifacts include blacksmith tools, a barbed wire collection, and several old gas pumps.
1650 Broderick Street, Oroville, CA 95965, Phone: 530-538-2528
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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